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复合的马丁房子的玻璃艺术-Art Glass of the Martin House Complext_进口图书类_北京翰林轩书店|3D玻璃高清喷绘图库|矢量大图典|玻璃工作室设备|移门大全|刻绘图库|艺术玻璃培训
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复合的马丁房子的玻璃艺术-Art Glass of the Martin House Complext
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图书名称:复合的马丁房子的玻璃艺术-Art Glass of the Martin House Complext
  • 图书编号:W100
  • 图书品牌:彩色玻璃
  • 图书作者1:Frank Lloyd Wright
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版时间:2009
  • 页    数:96
  • 开    本:
  • 图书装订:平装
  • 市场价格:¥216.00元
  • 购买数量:


Product Description

When Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) designed the Darwin D. Martin House complex (1903-1905), he filled the windows, doors, skylights, and laylights with nearly four hundred pieces of his signature art glass. The spectacular designs, abstractions of the architecture and surrounding environment, are among some of Wright's finest. These "light screens," as Wright called them, were fundamental to his principle of "bringing the outside in" by blurring the line between enclosed and open spaces.

[作者] Frank Lloyd Wright
[出版日期] 2009
[图书页数] 96
[图书装订] 平装
[图书规格] 168*280


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