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北美的窗户-Windows of North America_进口图书类_北京翰林轩书店|3D玻璃高清喷绘图库|矢量大图典|玻璃工作室设备|移门大全|刻绘图库|艺术玻璃培训
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北美的窗户-Windows of North America
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图书名称:北美的窗户-Windows of North America
  • 图书编号:W114
  • 图书作者1:Carole Wardell
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版时间:1999
  • 页    数:80
  • 开    本:
  • 图书装订:平装
  • 市场价格:¥240.00元
  • 购买数量:


This book contains one of the most inspiring collections of designer glass assembled.

Each studio is featured in an 8 page layout presenting color photographs of spectacular installations and artists proposals.

This book will be a valued addition to all art glass libraries and is essential for architects, interior designers, glass artists and everyone who appreciates beautifu

[作者] Carole Wardell
[图书书号/ISBN] 0-919985-24-6
[出版日期] 1999
[图书页数] 80
[图书装订] 平装
[图书规格] 168*280


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