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暖玻璃-Warm Glass_进口图书类_北京翰林轩书店|3D玻璃高清喷绘图库|矢量大图典|玻璃工作室设备|移门大全|刻绘图库|艺术玻璃培训
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暖玻璃-Warm Glass
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图书名称:暖玻璃-Warm Glass
  • 图书编号:W122
  • 图书作者1:Philippa Beveridge
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版时间:205
  • 页    数:160
  • 开    本:
  • 图书装订:平装
  • 市场价格:¥300.00元
  • 购买数量:


Here's the first and only full-color book on the subject of "warm," or kiln-fired, glass in print. It provides a comprehensive look at one of the most popular skills for those working in the studio. 

With lavish illustrations, and all the processes involved in kiln-firing explained, the versatility of the dazzling technique of warm glass comes into clear focus. From fusing and slumping to casting and pâte de verre, everything is covered--complete with a corresponding graph on the firing cycle and information on the various types of glass, their compatibility, and their behaviors during firing. Invaluable tips tell how to avoid unexpected and unwanted effects, and also how to create a range of different results and finishes. Close-up pictures show each step in the process being carried out, and breathtaking photos display an inspirational gallery of finished works that are richly colored and gracefully shaped. A brief historical overview of glassmaking provides useful background.

[作者] Philippa Beveridge
[出版日期] 205
[图书页数] 160
[图书装订] 平装


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