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厨房和浴室的玻璃瓦启示-Glass Tile Inspirations for Kitchens And Baths_进口图书类_北京翰林轩书店|3D玻璃高清喷绘图库|矢量大图典|玻璃工作室设备|移门大全|刻绘图库|艺术玻璃培训
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厨房和浴室的玻璃瓦启示-Glass Tile Inspirations for Kitchens And Baths
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图书名称:厨房和浴室的玻璃瓦启示-Glass Tile Inspirations for Kitchens And Baths
  • 图书编号:W119
  • 图书作者1:Patricia Hart McMillan
  • 出 版 社:希弗出版
  • 出版时间:2006年11月
  • 页    数:128
  • 开    本:
  • 图书装订:平装
  • 市场价格:¥336.00元
  • 购买数量:


Stunningly beautiful, high performance glass tiles are increasingly popular for walls, countertops, and floor coverings in kitchens and baths. As seen in the 205 beautiful color photos, a wide variety of forms and colors are available, produced by many skilled glass artists. Tiles are displayed both close up to reveal their individual beauty and installed to show ways in which these versitile tiles can be used. The engaging text provides details of tile colors, textures, finishes, patterns, sizes, shapes, and styles, providing the reader with many ideas for interior decoration. Quickly discover that bathroom tile is not just for the shower! Whether you fancy a kitchen in the Modern, Traditional, Art Deco, Contemporary, Lodge, or American Country style, glass tiles are readily available to suite your taste! Everyone from do-it-yourselfers to professional designers will find this book inspirational.

[作者] Patricia Hart McMillan
[出版社] 希弗出版
[出版日期] 2006年11月
[图书页数] 128
[图书装订] 平装
[图书规格] 168*280


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