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初学者指南窑形成玻璃-A Beginner's Guide to Kiln-Formed Glass_进口图书类_北京翰林轩书店|3D玻璃高清喷绘图库|矢量大图典|玻璃工作室设备|移门大全|刻绘图库|艺术玻璃培训
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初学者指南窑形成玻璃-A Beginner's Guide to Kiln-Formed Glass
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图书名称:初学者指南窑形成玻璃-A Beginner's Guide to Kiln-Formed Glass
  • 图书编号:W120
  • 图书作者1:Lark Crafts
  • 出 版 社:Lark Crafts
  • 出版时间:2007
  • 页    数:128
  • 开    本:
  • 图书装订:平装
  • 市场价格:¥180.00元
  • 购买数量:


Kiln forming glass—melting cut or crushed glass together in a kiln until it becomes a single piece and shaping the glass with molds—has quickly become one of the most popular subjects in studio glasswork. This comprehensive introduction features projects both beautiful and practical that are sure to appeal to all beginning glassworkers. It covers all of the fundamentals, such as fusing, slumping and draping, as well as some intermediate and advanced techniques, including pot melting, inclusions, mold-making and more. There’s also advice on decorative surface treatment of the finished piece, and an invaluable troubleshooting section. Nineteen exquisite projects, arranged by skill level, range from home décor items, like a wall sconce and fountain, to sculpture, and even an amber glass pendant

[作者] Lark Crafts
[出版社] Lark Crafts
[出版日期] 2007
[图书页数] 128
[图书装订] 平装
[图书规格] 168*280


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